The Private Members Bill sponsored by APPG Chairman, Sir Christopher Chope OBE MP, is now due to receive its second reading in the House of Commons, on 6th May 2022.

Dear Justice Campaign Supporter.

Today, Sir Christopher Chope OBE, again tried to get a second reading of his Private Members Bill that would get the promised Government change from RPI to CPI included in the parliamentary timetable.  Yet again, to no avail and it was pushed forward to 6th May (when it will no doubt get blocked again.)

Enough is enough.  I hear from many of you regarding the hardships that the extortionate levels of RPI are doing to family finances in these austere times and

I can see no point in appealing further to the present government, who are obviously determined to ignore our plea.  Therefore, I have attached a letter below – that you can send if you wish – to the leaders of the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties.  I am hoping that if hundreds of you write we can shame this Government into action.  Hopefully, at Prime Minister’s Questions.

If you choose to send the letter, please insert your own name, address and date in the space provided and sign the letter.

Please send two letters.  One to Sir Keir Starmer. Leader of the Labour Party.

One to Sir Ed. Davey. Leader of the Liberal Democrat Party

The address for both is:  House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA

You might also like to send a copy to your constituency MP.

This is the best that I think we can all do at this stage.

Best wishes to you all and stay safe


The National Park Home Owners JUSTICE Campaign

The following letter was sent to Eddie Hughes MP, the UK Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Housing and Rough Sleeping, by Sir Christopher Chope OBE MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Park Homes, on Wednesday, 23rd March 2022.

‘Dear Eddie

I would like to thank you again for attending the Park Homes APPG on 7th February but it is disappointing that I have not heard from you since.

It is also a great disappointment to members of the APPG for Park Homes that the Government was unwilling to support the Private Members’ Bill to implement agreed Government policy for reform in this sector. Even the modest change from RPI to CPI in the calculation of increase in pitch fees seems to be beyond the capabilities of the Government. With a new Parliamentary session in prospect, I would be grateful for your confirmation that your Department will draft a ‘hand out’ bill for a private Member successful in the ballot so that the long over-due legislative changes supported by the Government can be implemented in the forthcoming session.

With best wishes,
