Following yesterday’s publication of the Energy Support Guidance for Park Homes, some of you queried whether the amount of £100 was correct for the (EBRS). Your concerns were passed to the Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) earlier today, who have responded with the following note of clarification.

The Energy Bills Relief Scheme (EBRS) will provide a discount on energy bills from October. The discount applied will be in pence per kilowatt hour (p/kWh). This will be applied by the energy providers to the site owner’s bill’s, and they will have to pass it on to residents.

The Alternative Fuel Payment (AFP) will provide a one-off payment of £100 to UK households who are not on the mains gas grid and therefore use alternative fuels, such as heating oil, LPG, coal, and biomass to heat their homes.

However, following the Autumn budget statement last week, the amount has been increased to £200. This was confirmed by the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) in their news story published last Friday. (see the Link below).,soon%20as%20possible%20this%20winter.

IAN PYE, CHAIRMAN 24th November 2022
The Independent Park Home Advisory Service (2021) Ltd.