Dear fellow Members,

You will no doubt be aware from earlier posts on the subject, that IPHAS is in dialogue with AGE UK, seeking clarity on how the £400 Energy Bills Support Scheme (EBSS), is to be delivered to your good selves, particularly those who do not have a direct supply contract with an energy supply company. This has come into sharper relief with the resignation of the Prime Minister, and the ensuing Tory Leadership elections. Those of you who have witnessed such contests in the past, will realize that we are unlikely to see a speedy outcome. What does this matter? It matters because until a new Government is in place, and new Departmental heads are appointed, the work of Government may slow down.

However, we have just been passed the following information, provided to AGE UK by the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), in relation to park homes and the £400 Energy Bills Support Scheme.

  • Having investigated park home residents missing out on the EBSS, the BEIS are proposing a local council discretionary fund using section 31 grants or using the Warm Home Discount Park home industry initiative, as a way of delivering the £400 to park home residents. BEIS are in dialogue with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, who they say are already in touch with park home resident associations.
  • BEIS intend to provide charities with further guidance on the EBSS in August and September, so we should hopefully get further details by the end of the summer.
  • Less reassuring is the following statement from BEIS, who are keen to stress that despite the current disruption in government, the EBSS is very unlikely to be shelved and the minister for BEIS, Kwasi Kwarteng, remains in place. There may however be delays in turnarounds on decisions because of ongoing instability.

IPHAS will continue to work with AGE UK and BEIS, to press for a speedy resolution to the issue of fair distribution of the £400 EBSS grant to all park home residents, this autumn.

IAN PYE, Chairman                                                                                    11TH July 2022

IPHAS (2021) LTD.